Layers of Love
at Club Eleven in West Hollywood.
The event was sponsored by California Talent,
Diversity News, Wake Up TV and Eleven.
The entertainment portion of the event was hosted
by Jeff Kraft. Musical performances ranged from
Danicar Bergancia,Ivan Strada,Vanessa Simon,Jonathan Hernandez,
Nathan Gaines to Tina Thomas
Noted attendees: Arnold G, Parris Harris, Esteban Escobar,
Eric Rowe, Cathy Lin, Brandy Sanders of the Kierrah Foundation,
Tom Tangen,& J N's Thushari J and Francis Aquino.
They collected toys to donate to charity as holiday gifts
to those who are in need.
Brandy Sanders celebrated her Birthday by supporting &
donating to a good cause:giving & having fun at the same time.
Then she and a few friends enjoyed the nightlife,
taking in the cultural atmosphere of West Hollywood.
Winter Entertainment
Clients, agents, friends and family of the Baron Agency enjoyed the night away and Santa came to spread some holiday cheer. Rod Baron, former child actor & founder of Baron Entertainment & his wife Camille Baron, chatted with guests at this festive event. The agency also collected toy donations for the Salvation Army.
They have a unique philosophy and one of the classiests agencies around.
Weather Girl DVD

Weather Girl at current_
The DVD of the indie film Weather Girl is being
released--TJ for Jelly Noose
The DVD of this indie film is being released on Tuesday, December 29th, 2009.
We were able to speak with one of the the co-producers of the film Weather Girl, Dominic Ottersbach, who was highly enthusiastic about this cinematic gem that has won the best film award at the Vail Film Fesival as well as at the Dead Center Festival.
We asked him to tell us about his personal view on the film as well as his thoughts on the DVD release. Mr. Ottersbach replied that, "Blayne Weaver has written and directed a very Woody Allen-esque ensemble piece that will have you rolling on the floor laughing throughout the film. The caliber of actors involved with Weather Girl gives anyone interested in buying a copy an incredibly good reason to rush out and pick up a couple of DVD's, one for her/himself and one for a friend."
His praise is well deserved for the the filmmaking team because this type of quality indie film does not come along everyday. In conclusion, the following forward looking statement by him gave us hope to keep an eye out for more quality films from this illustrious team, "Based on the success of Weather Girl, the same team is heading to Louisiana in February to shoot Weaver's next film, The 6 Month Rule. Oh boy, it just keeps getting better!"
The cast includes: Tricia O'Kelley, Patrick J. Adams, Ryan Devlin, Mark Harmon, Jon Cryer, Blair Underwood and Kaitlin Olsen
You can find more info at:
It can be found at Barnes and Noble
Massage Party
We didn't think it was proper to take pics of masseus giving pampering massages to the guests. This event was a peaceful and fun. El Leon Spa in Hollywood held their annual free Massage Holiday Party on Sat. Dec 19th, 2009. Guests partook of wine, cider, chocolate & Hor's devoures. The owner Barry Walker was there to greet & make everyone feel welcome. The resident energy healer, Jeroen DeWitt, was in attendance as well.
This spa offers a wide variety of services including thai massage and organic facials. The best thing is during regular services they offer yummy warm/hot tea and fruits. They work with organizations to hold unique massage parties at their serene location in the city.
at current_
SAG December
we will highlight a few of them on Jelly Noose.
One was the Screen Actors Guild hosted Holiday Party
Many members and guests attended to celebrate.
Here is a glimpse from our blogger.
Brittani Taylor
Hearth & Soul
Arnold G Birthday Bash
at the Falcon's Nest in Hollywood. Everyone had a rousing good time.
Rock Romance
Delon with friend Reyna at the LAMCF exclusive fashion & benefit event.
hot musician Delon(Dilan J) with songwriter San Street
Baron Entertainment
the dashing Rod Baron who
is married to Camille Baron,celebrated
its 10th Anniversary in November
at Miyagi's in Hollywood. The event
was attended by clients, friends
and family of the agency.
The Bird Call
The Bird Call Productions had a launch party on Thursday, Nov. 5th, 2009 in North Hollywood to announce the opening of their new studio/production house. The event was well attended and many had a blast. The production space is a themed four story complex. They hope to utilize the space not only for the Bird Call Production clients but have it available for other producers, writers, photo sessions & private parties.
Among the attendees were family, friends & entertainment industry guests.

Talented Raz B photoed with Thushari
at current_
Arthur Romeo
We saw talented performer Arthur Romeo take part in Sweet Baby J'ai's one act historical play Recipe for Hot Biscuits and Blues at the Stella Adler Theatre. The play was a part of the 2nd Annual 20% New Works Festival. It was a wonderful performance by the whole cast. Another performance piece that took part in the same evening was This Is War.
We were able to interview Arthur Romeo who was part of the ensemble briefly in Q&A fashion. He has also appeared in films such as Art School Confidential and Be Easy. Arthur's girlfriend, actress-performer Karina Rossy, was there in support(pictured)
Jelly Noose(JN)Q&A with Arthur Romeo:

1. JN: Tell us about your passion for acting/theatre/film(why)
-My passion for the theatre arts revolves around the idea that every single class of art, be it dance, music, graphic, or visual play an integral part in the process and that's amazing because I truly adore all of the arts .Theatre is great because its entertainment, life, and catharsis. You don't come out of a play without learning about something so in that way theatre helps the world go 'round.
2. JN:What is your favorite project that you've taken part in?
-My favorite project that I participated in was a film called Art School Confidential, it was great because I made a lot a great friends on that set and plus I got to work with John Malkovich for two weeks! He's one of my favorite actors.
3. JN:How did you like taking part in Hot Biscuits?
-Its was a wonderful experience! The cast and crew were brilliant, I was quite lucky to be in their ranks. I like that every project I work on I learn something new and can take it with me, in this case it was knowledge of the negro leagues of the 40's and 50's.
4. JN: Do you like musical theatre more or dramas?
-That's hard to say. I'd fashion to say I love all forms of theatre equally. I'm just in love with the spectacle.
5. JN: Of Film and Theatre which do you like more and why?
-Its kind of the same thing as the last answer, while both mediums are wildly different, they are still tightly bound by firm dramatic foundation, and I love both forms very dearly.
6. JN: What are your upcoming projects?
-Right now I have a few books that I'm working on, and as always I'm continuing to do the Hollywood shuffle hustle.
7. JN: What inspires you in your creative works?
-Everyday life, its tragedies, its eccentricities, it's glee, its depravity, its goes on and on.
8.JN: A link - a wep page to see any samples of your work.
-Sure, here's a link to some of my artwork.
Creative Spirits

Director Barry G. Walker with family son & wife Shauna Walker who is a dancer and a choreographer. He had recently directed music videos for the band Dreamers.
They both directed a short film of an amazing modern dance piece called Solara. Solara is filled with energy and is an innovative piece.
They are creative and entreprenurial, as owners of the peaceful & soothing El Leon in Los Angeles.

Solara is about a group of people from different walks of life who is drawn to the same place in the Mojave Dessert where something cool happens. Shauna not only choreogrpahed but joined to dance amazingly.
J. DeWitt(pictured)was among the artistic performers who energized the screen.
photos by:Thushari J
Uplifting Benefit Concert
Hand in Hand Benefit concert to help flood victims of the Philippines was presented by the Philippine Aid Society(PAS). The event was organized by music sensation Arnold G in West Hollywood at the venue: Rage. The line up of performers were amazing and included:the Silk Sisters, Stuart Guest, Kris Searle, Jael, Lotonius Earl, Royalty Dancers, Jezda, Fawn, Rob EC, iconic Asha
Puthli, B Boys, & Darion Movasseigh on drums. Steven Escobar from Diversity News was in attendance among others such as Parris Harris. The event was hosted by Elaine Lockley-Smith.
They raised a little over $500 which helps benefit many who have suffered
and its able to feed a village of people.
the Hold On Success

Kristina Hughes and Brian Vermier of Holdong Log & Performer's Track
Marilyn Ghigliotti
Jeff Ellingson Style

Not only is Jeff Ellingson a talented actor but he is also a photographer and a musician.
He has starred in TV shows such as Ugly Betty and the L Word.
He also seems to be have a flare for comedy.
His comedic song Hey Aunt Jemima & his sketch of Inside the Actor's Studio are not to
be missed. (
More at: Current_
Broken Lizard Hot
Live Jelly was able to get this cool view and a brief interview from the Broken Lizard Team at their preview.
read our preview review at current_